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Jaunums - BWF ir sagatavojusi vizuālo meteriālu par reklāmām uz apģērba, kurš ir jāskatās kotekstā ar citiem BWF dokumentiem.

Section 5.1.2 Visual Guide to BWF Player Clothing Advertising Regulations Summary

BWF saistošie dokumenti, saistībā ar reklāmu uz apģērba (izgriezums no noteikumiem):



21.1  In all sanctioned tournaments, including those organised by the BWF itself and Multi-sport games, each article of clothing may only bear a design as provided in Regulations 21.2 to 21.4.

21.2  Designs should be abstract and devoid of advertising, representational, commercial or promotional content. Figurative and pictorial representations may be included as part of an overall abstract design. BWF are the sole arbiters of what constitutes an abstract design.

21.3  The front of the shirt may carry the flag along with the country name or abbreviation thereof or national emblem of the association represented not exceeding 20 square centimeters in total. The country name on its own and / or along with sponsor’s name or logo shall not be permitted.

21.4  A design is allowed when it forms part of an advert permitted by Regulation 23 and falls wholly within the permitted dimensions.


22.1  In all sanctioned tournaments, including those organised by the BWF itself, and Multi-sport games, each article of clothing may only have visible lettering as provided in Regulations 22.2 to 22.5.

22.2  Colour, style and height of lettering

22.2.1  Lettering shall be in capital letters in the Roman alphabet (except as in Regulation 22.5.2), and in one single colour contrasting with that of the shirt.

22.2.2  If there is a pattern on the back of the shirt, the lettering should be on a contrasting panel.

22.2.3  In order that the player’s name be legible from a distance for spectators in the stadium and television viewers, lettering must be a minimum height of 6 centimetres and a maximum height of 10 centimetres.

22.2.4  The country name must be a height of five centimetres.

22.2.5  Lettering should be horizontal, or as close to horizontal as practically possible, and placed near the top of the shirt.

22.3 Player names

Any name of a player on the back of the shirt must be in accordance with Regulations 22.3.1 to 22.3.10, and shall meet all requirements of Regulation 22. If used, the player`s name shall include the family name (or an abbreviation thereof) and, if desired, the initials of the given name(s) or nickname and shall correspond with the name on the entry.

22.3.1  In International tournaments, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is optional.

22.3.2  In Continental Circuit tournaments the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory in Individual tournaments and optional or dependent on the Continental Confederation’s regulations in Team Championships.

22.3.3  In Superseries and Grand Prix tournaments, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.3.4  In World Championships, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.3.5  In Eye Level Cups, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.3.6  In Thomas & Uber Cup continental stage, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is optional, unless otherwise required by the respective Continental Confederation. In Thomas & Uber Cups final stage, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.3.7  In Sudirman Cup, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory for Division 1 and optional for the other divisions.

22.3.8  In Suhandinata Cup, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.3.9  In Olympic Games, the name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory. Players’ names need to be registered to ensure consistency with the names on scoreboards.

22.3.10  In World Senior Championships the name of the player on the back of shirt is recommended.

22.4  Country Name

The name of the player’s country may appear on the back of the shirt and must be in accordance with Regulations 22.4.1 to 22.4.10 but, if used, shall meet all requirements of Regulation 22. The country name, if used, shall be either full country name in English or Olympic approved abbreviation.

22.4.1  In International tournaments, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is optional.

22.4.2  In Continental Circuit tournaments, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is mandatory in Team Championships and optional or dependent on the Continental Confederation’s regulations in the Individual tournaments.

22.4.3  In Superseries and Grand Prix tournaments, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is optional.

22.4.4  In World Championships, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is optional.

22.4.5  In Eye Level Cups, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is optional.

22.4.6  In Thomas & Uber Cups continental stage and Thomas & Uber Cups final stage, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.4.7  In Sudirman Cup, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is mandatory for all divisions.

22.4.8  In Suhandinata Cup, the name of the player’s country on the back of the shirt is optional but mandatory from the quarter finals onwards.

22.4.9  In Olympic Games, the name of the player’s NOC on the back of the shirt is mandatory.

22.4.10  InWorldSeniorChampionshipsthenameoftheplayeronthebackofshirtisoptional.

22.5  Lettering sequence and use in advertisements

22.5.1  The sequence on the shirt from top to bottom shall be player name (if present), country name (if present), and advert (if present).

22.5.2  Lettering is also allowed when it forms part of an advert permitted by Regulation 23, and falls wholly within the permitted dimensions. Such lettering can then be in any alphabet.

The following table summarises the requirements of Regulations 20 and 22.


23.1  In all sanctioned tournaments, including those organised by the BWF, articles of clothing may only have advertising as provided in Regulations 23.2 to 23.5. In Multi-sport games the same regulation applies unless the Multi-sport games organiser (e.g. IOC/Olympic Games) have specific variations to these regulations, in which case the regulations of the Multi-sport games organiser apply.

23.2  The shirt may carry advertising as in Regulations 23.2.1 to 23.2.3.

23.2.1  A maximum of one advertisement may appear on each of the following locations; left sleeve, right sleeve, left shoulder, right shoulder, left collar, right collar, right chest, left chest and centre chest. The shoulder is defined as the visible part of the shoulder on the front of the shirt. There must be no more than five advertisements in total and National flags or emblems for the purpose of this regulation count as advertisements. Each advertisement, including National flags or emblems, must be 20 square centimetres or less.

23.2.2  In addition to the above, one BWF mark may be worn in the form of a non-commercial emblem, as defined by BWF from time to time (e.g. BWF logo, integrity campaign logo or similar). The mark must not exceed 20 square centimetres and must follow the definition of the mark outlined by BWF. The mark can appear on any of the following locations not already used for advertising or a national flag or emblem: left sleeve, right sleeve, left shoulder, right shoulder, left collar, right collar, right chest, left chest and centre chest.

23.2.3  Advertising contained in a band of uniform width not exceeding 10 centimetres on the front and not exceeding five centimetres on the back. Such a band may be at any angle and may be on the front of the shirt, the back of the shirt, or both.

23.2.4  If, in the Referee’s sole judgment, there is a clash between the content of the advertising in Regulation 23.2.3 and the tournament sponsors or the TV broadcasters, or if the content of the advertising would infringe local laws or be considered offensive, then the Referee may limit advertising on the shirt to Regulation 23.2.1.

23.3  Other Clothing

23.3.1  Each sock may carry two advertisements of 20 square centimetres or less.

23.3.2  Advertising on shoes is accepted subject to the make and model of shoe being available in the open market for at least three months prior to the tournament in which they are being worn.

23.3.3  Each other article of clothing may carry one advertisement of 20 square centimetres or less.

23.3.4  Clothing worn under player shirts, shorts, skirts or dresses, shall be known as ‘underclothing’ and not categorised as ‘articles of clothing’, and if visible must not display advertising.

23.4  Restrictions on the advertising

23.4.1  The advertisements in Regulations 23.2 and 23.3 may be the clothing manufacturer’s emblem or that of any sponsor.

23.4.2  Each advertisement shall only be of one organisation or product.

23.4.3  The advertisements shall follow the International Olympic Committee principles and shall not contain any political, religious messages or anything which is not a commercial brand, registered mark or trade mark. (e.g. I don’t have a sponsor, I am nice, etc.).

23.4.4  Players displaying tattoos, paints, transfers or similar (which are not on clothing) may not display any tattoo, paint or transfer which is illegal, defamatory or commercial in nature or otherwise in breach of the principles relating to advertising on clothing outlined in 23.4.3.

23.4.5 Advertising of tobacco related companies and products is prohibited.

23.5  In multi-sports games (e.g. Olympic Games) the organisers may specify more restrictive advertising limitations on players’ clothing during play than in Regulations 23.2 to 23.4.

23.6  Member Association advertising

23.6.1  Member Associations may use an area not exceeding fifty square centimetres on their players’ shorts or lower part of dresses or skirts.

23.6.2  The area shall typically be used for a Member Association’s logo or an advertisement for a Member Association’s sponsor provided it conforms to Regulation 23.4.2.

23.6.3  If the Member Association does not use such area, that area shall not be utilized for any other advert.

23.6.4  If players wear advertising on their shorts or skirts, or lower part of dresses at a tournament this must be the advertising agreed between the Member Association and the BWF. All players from the same Member Association in a tournament do not have to wear advertising on their shorts, skirts, or lower part of dresses.

23.6.5  Any Member Association wishing to use this type of advertising must have written permission from the BWF for doing so. BWF will invite the Member Associations to seek permission in January, but a Member Association can seek separate permission any time during the year. Any permission must be sought and given a minimum of 2 months before a tournament.


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